

  1. FSE
    Software Security during Modern Code Review: The Developer's Perspective
    Braz, L., Bacchelli, A.
    In Proceedings of the Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering 2022
  2. FSE
    First come first served: the impact of file position on code review
    Fregnan, E., Braz, L., D'Ambros, M., Çalikli, G., Bacchelli, A.
    In Proceedings of the Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering 2022
  3. ICSE
    Less is More: Supporting Developers in Vulnerability Detection during Code Review
    Braz, L., Aeberhard, C., Çalikli, G., Bacchelli, A.
    In Proceedings of the 434th International Conference on Software Engineering 2022
  4. ESEM
    An Exploratory Study on Regression Vulnerabilities
    Braz, L., Fregnan, E., Arora, V., G., Bacchelli, A.
    In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement 2022


  1. ICSE
    Why Don’t Developers Detect Improper Input Validation?’; DROP TABLE Papers; --
    Braz, L., Fregnan, E., Çalikli, G., and Bacchelli, A.
    In Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering 2021
  2. ICSE-Companion
    Data and Materials for: Why Don’t Developers Detect Improper Input Validation?’; DROP TABLE Papers; –
    Braz, L., Fregnan, E., Çalikli, G., and Bacchelli, A.
    In Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE-Companion) 2021
    CHANGEVIZ: Enhancing the GitHub Interface with Method Calls Information
    Gasparini, L., Fregnan, E., Braz, L., Baum, T., Bacchelli, A.
    In Proceedings of the Working Conference on Software Visualization 2021


  1. CHI
    UI dark patterns and where to find them: a study on mobile applications and user perception
    Di Geronimo, L., Braz, L., Fregnan, E., Palomba, F., and Bacchelli, A.
    In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2020
  2. SBES
    An Empirical Study on Configuration-Related Code Weaknesses
    Medeiros, F., Ribeiro, M., Gheyi, R., Braz, L., Kästner, C., Apel, S., and Santos, K.
    In Proceedings of the 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering 2020


    A change-aware per-file analysis to compile configurable systems with #ifdefs
    Braz, L., Gheyi, R., Mongiovi, M., Ribeiro, M., Medeiros, F., Teixeira, L., and Souto, S.
    Computer Languages, Systems & Structures 2018
  2. VAMOS
    A Qualitative Analysis of Variability Weaknesses in Configurable Systems with #ifdefs
    Muniz, R., Braz, L., Gheyi, R., Andrade, W., Fonseca, B., and Ribeiro, M.
    In Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems 2018


  1. NWPT
    Analyzing Changes on Configurable Systems with #ifdefss
    Braz, L., Gheyi, R., Stolz, V., and Ribeiro, M.
    In Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory 2017


  1. GPCE
    A Change-Centric Approach to Compile Configurable Systems with #ifdefs
    Braz, L., Gheyi, R., Mongiovi, M., Ribeiro, M., Medeiros, FA., and Teixeira, l.
    In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences 2016
    An Approach to Compile Configurable Systems with #ifdefs Based on Impact Analysis
    Braz, L.
    In Companion Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity 2016